Nearly every facet of the Energy Utility industry (eg., regulatory policy, energy sources, organizational and regional structures, and consumer expectations) has undergone massive transformation. And the industry continues to be impacted by declining energy resources, aging infrastructures, and a host of global issues that create the need for continued management of change. Streamlined processes and excellent information for making informed decisions are critical to success.
GES enables utility companies to optimize their use of technology for converting company data into knowledge for decision-making, and to streamline their administrative functions for cost management and alignment with corporate strategy.
Our management consultants work with clients to align their systems with business requirements, enabling them to improve, optimize and integrate their operational processes.
Our management consulting expertise includes:
Operational Assessment
Business Process Optimization
Change Management
Program Management
Project Management
Quality Management
The GES enterprise applications team has deep experience with Oracle E-Business and Oracle/PeopleSoft applications. We offer comprehensive Enterprise Solutions, including: